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AWS - Main storage and database services (WIP) - 2022-06-29
One of my goals this year is to improve my knowledge of cloud managed services, especially AWS. I have used Azure, AWS and GCP these last years, but I have the feeling I never used cloud services at their full potential. For example I ran a lot of things manually on EC2 instances. I am currently studying the main AWS services and will put some notes here, beginning today with DynamoDB. This article is a work in progress that will evolve over time.
Why this blog? - 2022-06-28
I think writing is incredibly helpful to take a step back on your work and your understanding of things, organize your thoughts and see what you understood and what you must keep on studying.
These last years I have written many reports and presentations, and I have also written pieces that I never shared only for the sake of taking this step back on my thoughts. With this blog I want to force myself into writing more often and share some pieces of information that might end up useful for someone else.